Defeating Boko Haram

Boko Haram
The atrocious activities of of Boko Haram have been tolerated for too long by all Nigerians. There is no way the terrorist sect’s devious atrocities could continue like this, without the active connivance of some prominent elders and leaders in that region. However, it remains an indubitable fact that every patriotic Nigerian must be involved in the security of the country. Every Nigerian must be security conscious. Every Nigerian must be vigilant and be at alert at all time and in all circumstances. Nigerians must NOT take the present political experiment for granted. It is therefore incumbent on us all Nigerians to play our roles in the hard task of nation building. As good citizens, we are expected to join hands with our leaders at all levels, no matter the part and party affiliations.
We need to encourage our leaders and pray for them to succeed. This is the only sure way to subdue and defeat the evils of the Boko Haram insurgency. All hands must be on deck to move Nigeria forward. God Bless Nigeria.
