#CrimingWhileWhite – Twitter Explodes With Activism After Jury Fails To Convict Eric Graner’s Killer


First it was Trayvon Martin and then Mike Brown and then there was  Ezell Ford, Akai Gurley and Eric Garner. Do you know what they all have in common? They were all killed by the American police without any armed provocation on their part. The unfortunate aspect of this situation is the police officers who often killed this black men end up walking free. The recent grand jury decision not to charge the officer who killed Eric Garner was definitely the last straw. If you remember the officers who also killed Trayvon Martins and Mike Brown were not charged.

The latest descision by the jury not to charge Eric Garner’s killer has sparked nationwide protests in America and Twitter of course was not left behind. #Crimingwhilewhite is now trending on Twitter. Instead of highlighting incidents of prejudice against people of colour, #CrimingWhileWhite quickly zeroed in on white privilege, straight from the mouths of those who know it best. Check out the tweets below. @CassieFX
I was 20. Stopped by cop at gas station. Under the influence & underage. He flirted with me then let me drive home.
