#Bodycount – List Of Men Claudia Jordan Allegedly Slept With Released

When it comes to women and sex society tends to be very judgmental. Even women are judgmental towards themselves when it comes to issues of sexuality. Which brings us to the all famous issue of body count. How many men can a woman sleep with before she is labelled a whore. Take note its not how many men she dates at once but the number of men she has slept with over time.

As a man how many ex’s can you stand from your girlfriend, 10, 20 or perhaps 30. A US reality TV star seems to be facing this sort of judgement currently, as a vengeful entity has released a list of famous men she has slept with and the number runs up to 28. If she was a man no one would bat an eye lid. However this a woman. Is 28 too much of body count for you? See the names of men Claudia has allegedly slept with and Sound off in the comment section below.
